Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Summer Books

Yay for random summer reading! As Jane Austen once said, "Is there any felicity superior to this?" (Although she wasn't talking about reading...) Some I've read already since exams ended...others I have to get around to.

Northanger Abbey by Jane Austen-Austen makes fun of novels and the effects they have on people. Wickedly, wickedly funny. 

Rock Stars on God by Doug Van Pelt-Because it would be amazing to ask bands like Green Day, Kiss, Metallica, Bad Religion, and Nickelback  "So, what do you think about Jesus Christ?" Van Pelt did just that...and the results are quite amazing.

Sanctuary by William Faulkner-Because it's William Faulkner
Mere Christianity, Till We Have Faces, and The Four Loves by C. S. Lewis-Because C. S. Lewis' intelligence and relevancy never cease to amaze and inspire me. 

Dear Brutus by J. M. Barrie-Because I found a copy of it from the 1800's in a used bookstore, and it had such a pretty cover. 

In Response To "The Intern"

I'm currently working on animating the story (yes, I'm attempting hand-drawn animation!), so I don't really feel like writing anything...but it is a Brothers Grimm fairy tale, not hard to find. I know, I'm a jerk. But who really reads my blog anyway? Besides you?