Monday, March 31, 2008

Dead Swan

Does anyone really want to hear the rest of the Seven Swans? Cuz its been a while, and I'm thinking I might not write the rest up here...if there are any objections, let me know!

Friday, March 28, 2008


When the weather starts to get warm, and everyone else is getting "spring fever," the strong desire to make a movie hits me like a brick. I always make a film in the spring time, and for some reason, these spring projects are always the most intense. Here are some movie posters that are inspiring the lok of my own film's poster...I'm digging the collage look.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

The Jane Austen Book Club

I refuse to feel stupid for liking this feel-good chick-flick. The characters are all intelligent and funny and certainly more real than your average comedy character. Yes, I know the likely hood of getting a guy to read all of Jane Austen's books are pretty slim...or the likely hood that a divorced couple will get back together...or the likely hood that every time you break a bone you happen to get a new girlfriend. But hey, it's still a chick flick, right?

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Desire Is Messy

That's what one of my professors said today when discussing Shakespeare's As You Like It. Like everything usually does, that statement, "desire is messy", started my mind on a million other thoughts. I thought of the Jane Austen quote "Is not general incivility the very essence of love?" I thought of songs..."All You Need Is Love", "Love Is A Many Splendoured Thing", "I Think I Love You". I thought of a high school class discussion on how other cultures have many words for love, and yet in English we can say "I love my family", "I love tacos" or "I love you", and it is supposed to all make sense. And as crazy as I now sound for being so ADD, I began to think that maybe we don't ever really think of what desire, what love, what attraction, what any of these things really mean. Sure, we've all felt them...but do we actually think about what they mean? What is the difference between desire and attraction? What makes desire messy or love patient? And why in the world do we apply the same word to a taco as we do to a person that we deeply care for? Maybe what the world needs isn't "love sweet love." Maybe what the world needs is to define what love is in the first place. Webster need not apply.