If you've read my blog before, you've probably noticed how much fairy tales have influenced my work. So it shouldn't come as much of a surprise to find that my returning blog after a long absence is devoted to magic. (Of the fairy tale sort, of course.)
I recently saw the film The Illusionist with my brother and his friend. The movie is made to look old, and has a deliberately slow pacing that makes it compareable to old 1940's films or an old book. Even if you couldn't care less about a film's quality, I think you'll like this film...the story keeps you guessing until the last three minutes, and the magic performed in the film will make you wish that you were an illusionist.
My other note: I found these funny little pixie dolls on a website called www.moolka.com. This website has lots of whimsical, creative toys that makes me wish that I was little again.

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