"Amazing" Film
I'll admit it: I was cynical about this film beore I saw it. A lot of Christian films float by on poor quality and aren't seen by anyone but Christians. This, I feel, defeats the point. Shouldn't Christians, armed with their relationship with the Greatest Storyteller and Creator, make the best films? Film is a visual media, and when Christians try to translate a wordy "altar call" into their pictures, they alienate themselves even more from the people you're trying to reach. Alright, so I'll step down from my soapbox now. The recent film Amazing Grace was incredibly refreshing. Here was a film that was infused throughout with a Christian worldview, yet didn't blatantly scream "JESUS LOVES YOU!" I think for the key to good Christian filmmaking you should look to how Christ told His stories: parables. Jesus didn't say "The Kingdom of Heaven is..." He said "The Kingdom of Heaven is like..." What kind of movie would Jesus make?
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