Monday, September 17, 2007


Chai Lattes with Soy Milk, White Pizza and smoothies,
Bluesy jazz music and Ol' Blue Eyes,
Animated movies by Pixar or Ghibli,
And standing in the rain for no reason at all.

Big, furry dogs to cuddle with as I read
Books about history, or fantasy, or art,
Hooded sweatshirts and hand-made knee-high socks,
And laying in the grass on a cool autumn night.

Dancing and singing like no one can see me,
Splashing through the creek with my jeans rolled up,
Writing, forever writing, about everything
And laughing so hard my ribs ache from it all.

Swishy skirts, camo pants, and warm knit hats,
Gloves and big mugs full of steaming coffee,
Peter Pan, Bat-Man, and Enter Sandman,
And the Bible, which I try to read every day....

1 comment:

Violet said...

I concur :-)