Monday, January 15, 2007


In Rent, Mark says "The opposite of war isn't peace. It's creation." Children of Eden sings of "the spark of creation pulsing through my veins." My history teacher, Dr. George Grant, said today that "the very act of creation itself is a proclamation that God is there." The Ancient Greeks believed that we, humans, came from a place of perfection, and our "creation" of art here on earth is an attempt to recreate that perfection, that beauty which we lost.

No matter their religion, artists all seem to agree that through art, we experience something more, a closeness, a reflection, of something greater than ourselves. This might seem really corny, but all you have to do is look at world history and you'll see that it's true. That "spark of creation" seems to drive us all to some extent. But are we striving for perfection? I don't believe that's always the case. There is a definite comfort in seeing everyday, flawed things as being beautiful. But beauty is an elusive topic, and I won't go there right now.

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