Friday, December 01, 2006

World Aids Day

Today is World Aids Day. Wear red. Give back. Support the fight for a cure.

What can you do? There are a lot of companies who will donate a portion of their profits to help fight this disease. My advice, though, is to research where the money goes first before you jump in and buy. Aside from Aids, you can help support artists in third world countries by shopping at Ten Thousand Villages (see my links.) This non-profit organization sells jewelry, home decor and more made by artists in places such as Thailand, Guatemala, Ecuador and Nigeria. Another great organization is Samaritan's Purse...they've done everything from Katrina relief work to Operation Christmas Child. Don't be a bystander to the craziness our world is going through. We will never be able to completely eradicate all the world's probelms. But we can try to get as close as possible.

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