Wednesday, April 25, 2007


Is it possible to really know someone? A person is made up of so many facets, so many differing thoughts and experiences that it would be impossible for another person to know and understand them all. We can know pieces of people, and with enough pieces we might feel that we understand someone. But to say "I know you" is a lot stronger of a statement than we often realize. To say "I know you" is to say that you understand the other person on such a level that their experiences, their hopes, their thoughts are plain to you. That what they do won't surprise you, yet you won't get tired of their company. Sometimes it's easy to forget the meanings of words. Words like hate, or love, or blessing. We use them so often. Sometimes, it's good to look back and think about what we really understand. What we really know.

1 comment:

Violet said...

Well said, I agree completely. And in its true form, I think the phrase "I know you" is one of the best compliments that you could ever get.